Young Tinkers @NASA
6 students from various backgrounds were selected by Young Tinker Foundation for the NASA Human Exploration Rover Challenge (HERC) 2023. This team designed and manufactured a human powered rover capable of traversing on a simulated Martian and Lunar terrain. 61 teams from all across the world participated in the challenge.
The team travelled to Huntsville, Alabama, USA for the challenge held between 20 -22 April 2023. And have won one of the category awards – Social Media Award. This award highlights the importance of communicating and educating the next generation of leaders through our various social media handles.

2 years, 3 awards!
In 2 years Young Tinker Foundation (formerly Navonmesh Prasar Foundation) has received 3 awards. In 2021, our student team received World Rank 3 in the high school division.
Along with the overall award, the team also received the Videography Award in 2021 participation.

Each year the NASA Human Exploration Rover Challenge (HERC) features an engineering design challenge to engage students worldwide in the next phase of human space exploration. As an Artemis Student Challenge, HERC draws inspiration from both the Apollo and Artemis missions, emphasizing designing, constructing and testing technologies, and traversing in unique environmental terrains.
NASA’s goal with the Artemis mission is to send the first woman and first person of color for exploration at the Moon’s South Pole and to develop a sustained human presence on the Moon. On the Moon we will learn what resources are available and abundant enough that we don’t need to send them from Earth. Using resources, including water, found in space will help reduce our dependency on Earth as we move farther into the solar system.
Selected students for Young Tinker Team : HERC 2023

Basudeba Bhoi
A 15-year-old from Baral village, 42Mouza, Cuttack. He is a son of daily labour in paddy fields. He joined Young Tinker Educational Foundation in 2015, at that time he used to work with his father in farmland to have better earnings for his whole family. Now, Basudeba is a specialist in 3D printing technology. He has innovated a bionic hand (artificial hand) through open-source material and facilities at our organization. With his project, he wants to give hope to people with disabilities. He aims to become a scientist in ISRO and wants to bring glory to his country.

Akankashya Dash
At the age of 5, her father passed away. Due to some financial difficulties, her mother was unable to take care of her. Her mother then let Akankshya stay at Adruta Children's Home, Bhubaneswar. Since then, she has been residing in the Adruta Children's Home. After completing her 10th grade, she is currently enrolled in an ITI program at the Government ITI in Bhubaneswar. From Adruta, she came to know about the NASA Rover Challenge and Young Tinker Academy. She went to the interview and was selected to participate in the NASA Rover Challenge 2023 training program. She really feel very fortunate and proud to be selected in the team.

Om Padhi
His mother left his father's house when he was 2 years old as a result of some family strife, and his father likewise had no interest in looking after Om. His mother found it even more challenging to balance the costs of his education with her own means of support. At his mother's request, he started staying in Adruta’s children home, Bhubaneswar. He completed 10th grade and is currently enrolled for 10+2 Science program. After completing the interview, he is now a part of the NASA HERC 2023 team.

Sai Akshara Vemuri
She is a 12th grader from Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh. Her hobbies include reading books and listening to music. She is a Hatrick World Record Holder for reciting the highest number of decimal places of root 2 value in the fastest time and have received appreciation letter from the Vice President of India. She is a national archer. She has started various clubs like "The Astro Club", President of Rotary Interact club. She has recently also developed an app for AP Red Cross to address urgent blood needs.

Siddhanth Ghosh
A 12th grader from Mumbai. He has loved technology all his life and as such he has pursued interests within the fields of photography, computer science and computer graphics, music production, and cinematography; however, rocket science has always been something special and intriguing to him. At the age of 11, he built his own computer. He is a research intern at the Society for Space Education and Development (SSERD). He has developed an open-source tool that can be used for preliminary trajectory visualization for spacecraft entering Earth's or Mars's atmosphere.

Chittineni Akarsh
10th Grader from Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh. His hobbies include playing badminton, reading books. He is also involved in organizing teams of various workshops. He is passionate about Science and related subjects, so he has started different clubs related to the field of STEM learning. He is also a national level badmiton player.
Interaction with NASA scientists
Our student team got a wonderful opportunity of meeting and interacting with NASA engineers and scientists. Getting to know about their stories and contributions towards the space missions, literally gave goosebumps to us!
The NASA engineers also helped our team in fixing the rover parts that broke during the transportation.
Rover Manufacturing : HERC 2023
Apart from the participation in the challenge, the team also visited several space museums, schools and universities.

STEM Engagement : HERC 2023

Young Tinker's Rover Team on TV
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