
The Five membered team selected for presenting:

Projects Showcased:

The team presented a sophisticated Cansat, a miniature satellite housed within a soda can. This project demonstrated their skills in aerospace engineering and garnered attention for its potential applications in research and education.

A fully functional drone was another feather in the cap for Young Tinker Space. The team showcased their expertise in robotics and autonomous systems, impressing both the attendees and the jury with the drone’s capabilities.

Dual Fuel Engine:
Highlighting their commitment to sustainable energy solutions, the team unveiled a dual fuel engine. This project showcased their dedication to addressing environmental challenges and promoting eco-friendly technologies.
Jury Appreciation:
The Young Tinker Foundation and Young Tinker Space at VSSUT Burla received commendation from the esteemed jury, including Dr. Omkar Rai, Executive Chairman of Startup Odisha, and Kate Armstrong, Fab City Foundation Executive Board, Strategy Director. The jury recognized the team’s commitment to pushing technology boundaries and contributing to the startup ecosystem.
Closing Ceremony:
The Utkal Fab Fest 2023 concluded with the Fab 2.0 event, fostering discussions, networking, and knowledge sharing. The program ended with a heartfelt vote of thanks to all participants, sponsors, and organizers for making the event a resounding success.

Young Tinker Foundation’s participation in the Utkal Fab Fest 2023 showcased the immense potential of young minds in the startup ecosystem. Their innovative projects not only demonstrated technical prowess but also underscored the importance of nurturing and encouraging young talent in science and technology. As they continue their path of innovation, the future undoubtedly holds great promise for the Young Tinker Foundation and its endeavor